Works for the emergence of a true communitarian society

  • Holistic Vision Plan &Methods
  • International link But down to grass root
  • The most deprived and the weak
  • With women and children
  • Harijan and backward adolescent girls

1. Health activity – We train few village women as health educator, trained also to diagnose and give primary medicines also in their own village so that people can learn to serve themselves. As large mass of villagers is illiterate . we have developed a training module which is equally good for literate and illiterate people.

2.  Education activity – We have developed simple non- formal education pattern especially suitable to the psyche and need of Harijan children and women. We focus on girl child.

3. Personality development – For this activity we focus on adolescent girls. We make effort to develop inner expression, self assertion , Healthy body and the sense of self esteem.

Personality development encompasses the dynamic construction and deconstruction of integrative characteristics that distinguish an individual in terms of interpersonal behavioral traits.[1] Personality development is ever-changing and subject to contextual factors and life-altering experiences. Personality development is also dimensional in description and subjective in nature.[2] That is, personality development can be seen as a continuum varying in degrees of intensity and change. It is subjective in nature because its conceptualization is rooted in social norms of expected behavior, self-expression, and personal growth

The work of Samuday started with 6 villages and in the course of 10 years it blossomed into 100 villages around the center of the organization, i.e- Rosera (Bihar). This expansion was not abrupt. It was a gradual and natural expansion created by the village worker’s network of Samuday. Samuday is a women-headed organization so we decided, women have to be the focus of our work. We emphasized first on social awakening, then enthusing them to stand on their own feet. The organization till date has been able to train around 500 illiterate Harijan women as health workers and benefited 5000 families.  Equipped with the knowledge of health Education and trained for primary treatment of common diseases, they were effectively providing these services in their working areas. They also worked for as making women aware of the connection between poor health and second class social status of women.

On going projects – Promoting level of education among girls. 

To give priority to those girls who with the help of scholarships can become a matriculate. Apart from providing fixed monetary help, we organize programs to promote their study, personality, and general awareness. We are also planning, how we can be helpful to the education of girls for a long period. We also organize 3 hrs. sessions on subjects regarding legal issues, domestic violence, and adolescent health to make girls more aware, and confident. We also organize sessions on mathematics, English, and science. Girls join these classes as per their needs. Currently we are giving scholarships to selected 50 poor girls coming from the town and villages.

Vision – We visualize a communitarian, fully literate society where the attitude of people is compassionate and scientific. Where equality in all aspects of life, including gender and age is a value.

Mission – Our mission is to make the status of women equal to men in our society. For this, we shall educate them, make them aware, self dependent, and enhance their health. We shall organise adolescent girls so that they can make a united effort to get their rights.  


Samuday was founded in 1979 by Dr. Kalpana Shastree a Homeopath social activist from Maharashtra.  She was joined by her husband Kumar Shubhamoorty a leading name in Gandhian, people’s power movement.


We plan not for the service of the society but for its emancipation, enlightenment and holistic change based on humanitarian values. We have seen and experienced that the most deprived and weak are women, Children and adolescent girls who interdependently live togather. So we work with these groups collectively and separately as required.


From ancient times Indian society was firmly based on its strong communities in the form of villages. Three hundred years ago India was the richest country of the world. The British Colonial rule made it a pauper. The exploitation was methodical and systemic. Science was misused to destroy these communities,

Mahatma Gandhi wrote “Bit by bit the villagers are having confined only to, hand – to – mouth business of scratching the earth. Few know today (1934) that agriculture in the small and irregular holding of India is not a paying proposition. The extinction of village industries will complete the ruin of the villages of India”.

The post freedom policies of the government of India have almost completed the ruin of the villages and we can not ignore this context while working among villagers.


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